Monday, December 9, 2013

2005-2013 YTD Sales Comparisons: Atria@101 Market, Downtown San Diego

Sometimes market statistics are pretty boring. Actually, most of the time, sales statistics go in one ear and out the other for most people, and especially for people who are visual. After reviewing the sales statistics for Atria located at 101 Market St, San Diego 92101, we thought a pictorial representation of the sales statistics for the last 8 years might help my brain process market changes. These numbers are based on statistics retrieved from the Sandicor multiple listing service as of December 9, 2013.

As you can see from the graphs, 2008 and 2011 were the worst years and you can see that 2012 and 2013 are reflecting a recovery. Nothing like 2005 thru 2007, but at least prices are moving upwards again.

Average $ per square foot reflect the same upheaval over the last 8 years. Again, 2005-2007 were at the peak of the downtown San Diego real estate market. Again the $ per square foot are showing the same steady increase in pricing.

For owners who have been hanging on, many are approaching a break even point. An example is a sale we are representing. Our owner purchased his unit for $310,000 six months ago and is currently selling in the $330k's, less than 6 months later. That is a much better net sheet than the loses owners saw in the 2008-2011 timeframe.

If you would like additional statistics on Aria or any other Downtown San Diego condo buildings, just contact us via email, phone, or text. or 619-977-3174